Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Five Tips: Trust For Kids

Trust means to place faith or confidence in yourself, another person, or a situation.

Trust is something that we share with important people in our lives. You trust your mom and dad because they are your parents and you know they want what is best for you.

You also trust that your teacher will help you learn everything you need to know before you go to the next grade in school. You trust that your doctor will make you feel better when you feel sick.

But perhaps the most important person to trust is you! If you have a test in school that you studied for, trust that you will do well. If you have to speak in front of your whole class, don't be nervous, trust yourself; you can do it! When you trust yourself, other people will trust you and you will trust them too!

Here are a few ways you can practice and build trust:
1. Be nice and helpful to other people
2. Be yourself! People will trust you more if you are true to yourself and not changing to fit in with others.
3. Be honest. Trust will build between you and others if you are honest to each other and do not lie.
4. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
5. Stick to your word. If you say you are going to do something, do it.

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