Wednesday, March 11, 2009

6 Tips: Ways for Kids to Practice Acceptance

Acceptance means being gracious or kind when the outcome is different than expected.

Accepting Situations
When you practice acceptance, this means you handle situations in a calm, kind manner. Imagine working really hard on a project and not getting the grade you thought you deserved. Instead of being mad at your teacher, pay attention to any comments she has about your project. Chances are she may have some tips that will help you improve on any future projects. Sometimes you might not be allowed to go to a friend's house or go spend the night. Instead think of all the fun things you can do with your family, by yourself, or what you can do next time you visit your friend. Always look on the bright side of any situation, because you never know where that will lead you.

Accepting Your Self
There are over 6 BILLION people who live on the planet Earth and everyone is different. We all lead different lives and are faced with many different situations each day. Think about your friends, family, and other people you may know. How are you the same? How are you different? What is important to remember is that even though you may look different or sound different than your best friend, you are still you, and that's what makes you special! If everyone was exactly the same, imagine how boring the world would be. It's our differences that make us unique. We all have special talents and gifts that we can share with the world around us!

Ways to practice acceptance:
☺Look on the bright side!
☺Use a situation that could be disappointing as a learning experience.
☺If your parents don't let you go to a friend's house, find something fun that you can do at home, like practice yoga!
☺If you get a bad grade, don't feel bad; just remember to try extra hard next time.
☺Make a list of all the things you are good at and make you happy.
☺Look in the mirror and find something you like about yourself.

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