Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"To err is human, but to forgive, well that's right on!"*

This month's theme is forgiveness. An act that we often forget about, but makes the biggest difference in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Practicing forgiveness means releasing unwanted hurts, grudges or judgments from the past, providing freedom, love and peace in the present. When we think forgiveness we often think of other people, but the practice of forgiveness is most important with ourselves. We often react and say things or do things we do not mean and later make ourselves wrong for it. We forget that we are doing the best that we know how each moment and we can only learn from those moments to better ourselves.

The same goes for those you may feel hurt you in the past. They were only doing the best they knew how with the resources and knowledge they had at that time. The reason we may not want to forgive is because we’re holding onto anger, resentment or personal pride. When we forgive another person for harm we feel they caused we are not accepting the behavior we are just no longer allowing the anger and resentment towards them rule our life. The person we may feel a grudge towards does not feel our anger, often they do not even know we are holding the grudge. The anger or grudge is something we hold inside our bodies and causes stress to our systems, so when we forgive it releases that tension and anger allowing greater health in our bodies. Practicing forgiveness with another does not necessarily mean that we need to speak with that person. Rather it is something we do on our own either silently or through journaling.

Practicing forgiveness is an act of self-love. Here's what it takes to practice forgiveness and open your self to greater love, peace, healthy and well-being:

1) open heart, 2) open mind, 3) willingness to let go, 4) desire for mental, emotional and spiritual freedom, 5) letting go of the judgments we hold towards ourselves or another.

*The quote is from Starsky & Hutch movie (2004)

1 comment:

thepranamama said...

This post really speaks to me today, for a number of reasons. I need to forgive a few people in my life, and I also hope they can forgive me. This is a wonderful post reminding me of how much stress anger and hurt can cause the body when we are not willing to let it go. Thank you!

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