Monday, November 15, 2010

8 Kid Tips to Practice Peace

Peace is a state of being calm and quiet.

Sometimes when we are busy with school, homework and after-school activities we forget to take time for ourselves. Practicing peace, even if it's for just a minute or two, allows us to be calm, centered and focused. When we make time to find peace within ourselves we will notice that more things seem to go our way. Finding time for peace allows us to think about things that are bothering us, before reacting in a way that could get us into trouble. Giving yourself time for peace can also make you feel good about yourself! When we take the time to find peace within ourselves, we will be able to bring peace to the world around us.

Here are a few ways you can practice peace:

Use your words to solve conflicts.
Practice patience. Try not to get upset when things aren't moving as quickly as you would like.
Be helpful. Random acts of kindness create more peaceful communities.
Help and encourage someone if they are having a hard time with a task or a sport.
Sit and enjoy being quiet with someone you love.
♥ Give someone a hug.
Lay in Savasana and practice long, deep breathing

♥ Or do our pose of the month!

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