Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The topic for this month Love.

I find Valentine's Day a holiday similar to Thanksgiving in that the focus of each, love and gratitude, can be practiced every day, not just one day a year.  So this month we focus on Love. In our YogaBuddies' classes, we do our best to bring the concept of love and gratitude to our students in each yoga class. For example, while they are in a pose they may be holding for a few breaths we'll ask them to think of all the things they love about their life. Or think about all the people in their life they love. Or think about what they love about their body!  Just like grown ups, the latter is not always easy. This is why I like having them recognize (at a young age) we all have something we can love about our bodies so those negative body images don't stick with them into adulthood.

I was not taught as a young girl to look at myself physically or characteristically at what I loved. It wasn't until adulthood that I looked in the mirror and really loved the person I was looking at. Learning to love ourselves can be a process. Start simple with features or characteristics you love about yourself first. Also, try looking in the mirror, looking into your own eyes and telling yourself you love yourself.  It can be a heart-opening experience. I suggest saying it to yourself every time you look at yourself. When we learn to love ourselves first, it opens us to truly loving others.

Peace and love,

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