Thursday, March 24, 2011

The topic for this month Caring.

With all that's happened in Japan and the quick connection of media allowing us to be a part of it, I am in awe of the outpouring of care that we as human beings extend to each other. I find it moving. This is what brings about this month's topic, Caring. I don't find it needs much of an explanation.  It seems an automatic human response when someone is in need we show our care for them. When we discuss caring with our students, they are quick to give examples of how they show caring by helping friends out who've hurt themselves on the playground or how they are extra quiet or helpful when mom or dad is not feeling well. Caring is easy to practice with our family members and friends. But what about strangers? There are three ways I believe we can show we care to strangers. One, give of our time. Volunteer with an organization that calls to our heart. Second, we can give money by donating to a cause that we feel would benefit from extra funds.  Last, we can send our prayers, positive thoughts or as I learned in my Spiritual Psychology program, we can send Light. We all have our own way, our own version of what we call it. When we see the news, pictures or videos we can use it as an opportunity to take a few moments to close our eyes and send our thoughts to the situation. We'd love to hear from you if you have other examples.  

This month we are extending our Caring to help one of my friends (who was born and raised in Japan near where the earthquake and tsunami hit) with several yoga fundraisers she is holding. See details below.

Peace and love,

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