Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Attitude of Gratitude

The topic for this month is gratitude. With our school year ending I find myself reflecting on the past four school years since we started and how grateful I am for YogaBuddies and what I do. It is truly a blessing and a joy to teach kids yoga and to know I have created a company that is making a difference for kids' lives and specifically their health.

I know I wasn't always this happy with life and I believe having had cancer was a blessing that allowed me the chance to start living life to its fullest and to anchor in gratitude for being here in this life at this time. I mentioned in the newsletter last month that I learned different practices to being healthy; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. One of the mental and spiritual practices I have had since b.c. (before cancer) is writing what I am grateful for at the end of the day. When cancer hit and it felt like my life could be in jeopardy it opened my eyes to the importance and beauty of life. I was, am, extremely fortunate that I found my cancer early and had a great prognosis. Having cancer provided a new outlook on life and I now compare things that may have upset me in the past to having had cancer and, of course, nothing compares and therefore life is pretty good.

As human beings we tend to get stuck in what's wrong, what's not right or think we don't have enough. Gratitude is the quickest way out of that rut. Gratitude is about appreciating life and ALL of it.

When we teach our students the word Grateful we ask them who they are grateful for and how do they show their gratitude. They are quick with their answers and respond with being grateful for family, friends, teachers, their homes, their pets and some of their material possessions. The answers they give of how they express their gratitude are caring for someone, giving a hug, doing something nice for them and saying thank you.

A friend just recently told me the newest trend in expressing gratitude and I highly suggest giving it a try--- the gratitude dance. If you haven't seen the YouTube video it's worth checking out!! I guarantee IF YOU TRY it, it will put a smile on your face!

Life is a gift. I am grateful for it. I am grateful to all of you who have supported YogaBuddies in whatever fashion that has been. And I'd like to take a moment to say thank you to my beloved husband Michael, if it weren't for him, the time and energy I give to YogaBuddies would not be possible. Thank you!

"The greatest weakness of most humans is their inability to tell each another they love them while they are still alive." Og Mandino

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