Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Practicing Acceptance

"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart." - Marcus Aelius Aurelius

Our theme for this month is acceptance. Life presents many opportunities to practice this concept. Looking at my own examples of when I have practiced acceptance, I'm reminded of the big things like my mom's death and being diagnosed with breast cancer, to little things like how I want to hang the kitchen towel is different than how my husband wants to hang it. The list goes on. There's practicing acceptance of how we look, what our bodies look like or don't look like, how much money we have, what our kids or spouse do or don't do, how are relatives act or react, our job situation, and on and on.

Sometimes when we think of acceptance, we may think it means to give up what we want or to surrender. This may be easier said than done in some cases. Sometimes our ego becomes so tied into that idea that it becomes harder to let it go. There is more meaning into letting go and accepting something for the way that it is. We like being "right" about our position or our belief and we don't want to look bad if we let that idea or belief go. Which is why there tends to be suffering involved when we hold our position about an idea or belief. We want to hold onto that belief even though reality may be completely different.

But I have found when I practice acceptance something magical happens. That idea or belief I had that was annoying me about my friend or relative disappears. And oftentimes that person no longer does that annoying thing. Or when I practice acceptance about my body I find I look better when I look in the mirror or I receive a compliment from someone. Or my husband does the dishes without me bugging him. I feel more peaceful and life becomes just a little bit happier when I've practiced acceptance.

How to practice Acceptance:
-Letting go of a belief or idea that you have about something or someone
-Finding one thing you like about yourself in the mirror
-Doing things that make you feel good
-Practicing yoga and holding a pose

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