Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ten Pathways To Peace

Being a child of the 70's I've always been a fan of the peace sign and am surprised to see it everywhere when I step on school campuses. Kids are wearing the peace sign in all its forms on their backpacks, clothing, and jewelry. Peace seems to be the new fad.

We wish each other peace in our holiday greetings and we wish for world peace. It's a great thought and a wonderful wish, but how often do we sit to really cultivate that awareness of peace inside of ourselves.

On my bathroom mirror I tape the following quote from German mystic Thomas Kempis:

First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others. -- Thomas Kempis

I don't feel I can teach peace without practicing peace and being peaceful myself. I can quickly tell the difference in the days when I start off taking time to be peaceful and the days I don't.

So the magic question is, how do you keep peace within yourself? It lies within all of us. It is a matter of silently checking in, taking the time to allow it to come forward. It can be done anywhere you have a moment to yourself.

Here are some helpful reminders:
1. Taking some deep breaths
2. Being in nature
3. Meditation
4. Prayer
5. Yoga
6. Sitting still
7. Looking up at the stars
8. Listening to calm, soothing music
9. Watching a child sleep
10. A big hug from someone you love

When we can take a moment to bring peace to our lives we are more easily able to bring that peace to the events and people around us. May you be filled with peace this holiday season.

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