Saturday, December 13, 2008

Pose of the Month: Child's Pose

Child's Pose is a wonderful pose to rest in and one we tell our students to rest in if they need a break.

To get into Child's pose kneel onto the floor, touch the big toes together, and sit back on the heels. The knees can be hip distance or a little further apart, finding whichever position is most comfortable.

The forehead is resting on the floor or yoga mat. And the arms are lying by the sides of the body, palms facing up. You may also stretch the arms out in front of you laying them on the floor.

Be mindful of the breath and take long inhalations and exhalations. This resting pose can be held for 30 seconds to several minutes in length.

You can also try this modification: Stack your fists together and rest forehead onto fists.

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