Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Extending Compassion

The topic for this month is Compassion.

Several years ago I learned a concept that has helped me see people with compassion, and I would like to share that with you when considering your interactions with people in your life - friends, children, parents, teachers, even strangers.

First, start by thinking back to a time when you were walking down the street or at a party and someone gave you a dirty look for what you felt was no reason at all. Many times, our first reaction is to make that look mean something about us or about the other person. But what is often really happening is that the person is not responding to you; they are responding to their personal insecurities, thoughts and opinions that are going through their head. We've all done it. We've all been quick to judge or jump to conclusions about other people.

It takes practice and conscious thought to consider what might be going on for the other person when they snap, get angry, give a dirty look, yell or cut us off in traffic. It could be the guy that cut us off is racing to be by his wife's side for the arrival of their first born. Or the woman who cut you off is late for her first doctor's appointment after finding out she has cancer. Or it could just be they are a reckless driver or on their phone. The grumpy woman checking us at the grocery store could be working her 2nd job or recently lost a loved one. The list goes on and on. The thing is we become so wrapped up in ourselves and our own lives that we do not think about others and what could be going on in their lives. Practicing compassion means stepping outside of our own world, our own thoughts to imagine with kindness what someone else is experiencing.

As a teacher for YogaBuddies, and I know my instructors all feel this way, we never know or assume to know what is going on with our students. We have an advantage using our Emo cards and allowing them to share with us how they are feeling, which is often when we learn they got into a fight with one of their friends, or their brother is having an operation, or their dog just died. It is our goal to practice what we teach, therefore we bring compassion to them. We allow them to feel how they feel without fixing or changing it. We provide them with breathing techniques and yoga poses that ground and calm them. We listen and we give them love.

There is a lot happening on our planet now and we can all bring a little peace to it by giving each other the gift of compassion for one another.

Have a wonder-full holiday!!

peace and love,

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