Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Practicing Flexibility

The topic for this month is Flexibility.

When we ask kids to describe why we should do yoga, besides hearing it helps calm us, relax us and make our muscles strong, we hear it helps make you flexible. In our classes we discuss that is not just our bodies that yoga helps to become more flexible, but also our minds. Being flexible with our minds reminds me of the phrase "choose your battles wisely".

Our ability to be flexible can help us with how we deal with the situtation. Many times we have expectations for how we want something to go, it could be a meeting, a conversation with a friend or family member, a date, or a vacation and then something happens that we did not expect. We can practice being flexible by taking deep breaths, taking a moment alone, being okay with the situation not going our way, communicating our needs (vs. wants) and seeing a bigger picture.

I've mentioned before, being a breast cancer survivor, nothing "bad" compares to having had breast cancer. Things that may seem inconvenient or a bother aren't such a big deal when compared to having to face a diagnosis of cancer. In those moments I remember my yoga practice and I remind myself- life is here to be enjoyed, appreciated and lived to its fullest.

May you appreciate the fullness of each day!

peace and love,

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