Monday, May 24, 2010

The topic for this month Adoration.

Have you ever noticed the effect praise or adoration can make toward another person, whether a child or adult. Adoration is considered an act of homage (translation of homage: something done or given in acknowledgment or consideration of the worth of another). I like to think of it as a priceless gift.

We are great about speaking about things we like such as restaurant or a movie. Maybe it is our fear that if we were to express our adoration or acknowledgment that it would not be reciprocated or received. However, that is not why we would express our adoration of another. It is the feel good factor as to why we do it. When we practice adoring or acknowledging another, not only does it make the other person feel good, but it makes us feel good too. It releases Oxytocin, a feel good hormone often called the "cuddle hormone". Oxytocin is released when we feel love, trust and comfort.

Practicing adoration or acknowledgment of another can be as simple as saying, "I like your shirt" or "I like your hair". Or it can be towards a behavior such as, "I like when you speak quietly"; we use this in our classes. Or "I love when you bring me flowers". We can be specific with our praise or adoration by saying, "You are a really special person to me and I am so grateful you are in my life." And last, don't forget to adore yourself. For example, when you look in the mirror tell your Self, "I love you" or "You look fabulous"!

Our time here is short, share with the people you know and care about how grateful you are for them and why. It truly is a gift.

I adore you!

Peace and love,

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